Group of students sitting and studying

University Placement

Our team at Acoinrum Consult specializes in expert university placement services, guiding students towards optimal academic institutions that align with their aspirations and goals. With a commitment to personalized support, we navigate the complex application process, ensuring seamless transitions into esteemed universities in Malaysia.

Trust us to unlock a world of educational possibilities and shape your path to a successful future. We go beyond conventional placement services. We offer comprehensive insights into diverse academic programs, assist in crafting compelling applications, and provide strategic advice on selecting the right university for each individual.

Visa Application

We understand the significance of a seamless transition for students pursuing international education. Our specialized services extend to expert guidance and support throughout the student visa application process. From thorough documentation assistance to navigating embassy requirements, we ensure a hassle-free and successful visa application experience, allowing students to focus on their academic journey with confidence and peace of mind.

We pride ourselves on a meticulous approach to student visa applications, providing step-by-step assistance, and staying abreast of the latest immigration regulations. Our dedicated team is committed to simplifying the complex visa process, offering clarity, and ensuring that each applicant is well-prepared for a smooth transition into their chosen academic destination.

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Interested people communicating

Education Counselling

We are tailored to empower students with personalized guidance on academic choices and career paths. Our experienced counselors provide valuable insights, helping students make informed decisions that align with their goals. From programme selection to career planning, we are committed to nurturing the potential of each student, ensuring a fulfilling and successful educational journey.

Our education counseling services extend beyond academic advice, encompassing holistic support for personal and professional development. We take pride in fostering a supportive environment where students can explore their interests, address concerns, and receive expert guidance on maximizing their educational experience.

Job Placement

Acoinrum Consult goes beyond academics to provide comprehensive job placement services, connecting students with exciting career opportunities that align with their educational pursuits. Our dedicated team collaborates with industry partners to facilitate internships, cooperative programs, and post-graduation employment. With a focus on bridging the gap between education and real-world success, we empower students to launch fulfilling careers upon completing their academic journey.

Understanding the importance of seamless transitions from education to employment, our job placement services encompass personalized career guidance, resume building, and interview preparation. Our commitment is to equip students with the skills and opportunities necessary for a successful and rewarding career path.

Business job interview
Colleagues talking and learning


We recognize the significance of a conducive living environment during your educational journey. Our accommodation services are designed to secure suitable and comfortable living spaces for students studying abroad. From assisting with housing applications to providing guidance on local amenities, we ensure a smooth transition, allowing students to focus on their studies while feeling at home in their new academic surroundings.

We also strive to match individual preferences and budgets, offering a range of options from student residences to private rentals. Whether it’s a bustling city or a quiet town, we aim to provide a home away from home, fostering a supportive environment that enhances the overall study abroad experience.

Emergency Travel Certificate

At Acoinrum Consult, we understand that unexpected circumstances can arise, requiring urgent solutions. We are designed to address unforeseen travel needs promptly and efficiently. Whether due to personal emergencies or unforeseen events, we provide swift assistance in obtaining the necessary documentation, ensuring that students can navigate travel challenges with ease and peace of mind.

Our commitment is to provide timely support, allowing students to navigate unexpected situations while maintaining focus on their academic goals and overall well-being.

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People practicing social integration workspace


Mentorship is at the heart of our commitment to student success. Our mentorship programme provides invaluable guidance and support, connecting students with experienced mentors who offer insights into academic and personal development.

Through regular interactions, our mentors inspire, empower, and help shape the aspirations of students, fostering a nurturing environment that goes beyond academics to ensure a holistic and fulfilling educational journey. We believe in the transformative power of mentorship to enhance not only academic performance but also personal growth and resilience.

Flight Ticket

Acoinrum Consult offers an exclusive service for student flight ticket assistance from Malaysia to Africa. Seamlessly plan your educational journey with us. We ensure affordable, convenient, and stress-free travel, making your transition to Malaysian education a smooth takeoff towards success. Trust us to navigate your way to academic excellence, one flight ticket at a time.

Our flight ticket assistance service goes beyond mere travel arrangements. From securing budget-friendly options to providing travel guidance, we prioritize your comfort and convenience. Let Acoinrum Consult be your wings, propelling you toward a future filled with knowledge and success.

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Let us help you get into your dream institution.

Universities We’ve Worked With